Singapore, August 02, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – Recently, BITMIC announced that it will launch its “NFT Cafe” project to diversify the existing NFT sales policies and providing various NFT sales channels.

NFTs are fast becoming an investment choice for many. As it gets popular, people are beginning to get the hang of it. Because of its rarity, it’s getting more popular day by day. Although the awareness of NFT is increasing though not many people know how to purchase the NFT that they want.
To purchase NFT, the consumers must find the place that sells the NFT for themselves and exchange their currency for tokens that allow it. Those who are familiar with the process of purchasing NFT may not have any issues, but those who are not may find difficulties.
BITMIC is planning to launch the ‘NFT Cafe’ project to solve these issues.
NFT Cafe project is a service that increases the accessibility to NFTs by displaying NFT artworks in offline brand cafes that have partnered with BITMIC.
The objective of the NFT Cafe project is to increase interest in NFT artworks by making them accessible to people in their daily lives and to make it easier for artists and consumers, who are reluctant to participate due to the complicated purchase and sale process, to participate in related activities more easily.
Currently, BITMIC is under a discussion with a number of cafes for the project and started exhibiting NFT artworks in some of the cafes. The NFT cafe project is now in its initial stage, starting with a private brand cafe, and plans to expand its business to famous franchise cafes such as Starbucks, and Coffee Bean in the future.
The NFT Cafe project has three advantages.
First, by exhibiting NFT art pieces of popular artists, the cafe can get a portion of the profit from the sale of NFT artworks, and also the cafe can decorate its interior with the NFT.
Second, after seeing the NFT art piece in the cafe, consumers can purchase more intuitively and simply than the existing NFT sales procedure.
Third, artists can promote themselves by exhibiting their NFT art pieces in cafes with high foot traffic, and it becomes a means to introduce their works to more consumers.
The project, which clearly has the above advantages and a profit model, NFT art pieces will be exhibited not only in cafes but also in places with high foot traffic.
In addition to the exhibition of NFT arts, the BITMIC NFT Cafe project has plans to hold various events through the BITMIC community.
The BITMIC NFT Cafe project is expected to have a positive impact on artists who have partnered with the BITMIC platform, such as the BITMIC NFT Marketplace and Metaverse Gallery in the future.
Media Contact
Company: BITMIC
Contact: Carl Tuan
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