Seoul, Korea, September 08, 2022 – (SEAPRWire) – In “the immunometabolism at the crossroads of obesity and cancer, Keystone Symposia (Sept. 5-9, 2022, Keystone, Co, USA)”, Dr. Soo-Youl Kim, Principal Scientist of the National Cancer Center of South Korea, showed that cancer obtains energy absolutely by burning fatty acids from blood as well as that obesity causes cancer to grow explosively by burning fat.

Therefore, calorie balanced carbohydrate diet reduced tumor growth 1/5 to compare to high fat diet in mouse cancer model. It is proposed as ‘Kim effect’ in the latest Seminars in Cancer Biology journal that cancer energy metabolism absolutely depends on fatty acids ( This announcement is expected to make great strides in cancer metabolism treatment and immunotherapy and foreshadows the emergence of new anticancer drugs that control obesity and fat catabolism. Dr. Kim announced that anti-cancer drug targeting fatty acid oxidation will be in clinical trial in South Korea.
Know more, please contact Dr. Soo-Youl Kim, Principal Scientist of National Cancer Center, Korea.
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